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Meet Senior Pastor Dr. Liew and Our Staff

Senior Pastor

Dr. Sarah Sun Liew 

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Dear Global Jesus Mission Church Congregation,

Our church's purpose is to serve God and worship God as a disciple of Jesus.


It is our church's supreme purpose and aims to serve God with the community and make disciples of Jesus, who can influence the community. 


As a community that enjoys gathering worships, pray, and praises God. Our Life of purpose is a delight with God as created by the image of God.  


Every week, we hope to spend a time of worship filled with the Holy Spirit through our web site and youtube sermons. You can worship God with us for the service every Sunday at 11:00.  Sermons can also view through the website and youtube. 


Remember we're still using Zoom to get together in small groups. It's a way to stay connected and uplifted. If you would like to participate in these meetings, please email


Finally, we are well aware of the incredibly difficult economic uncertainties we all currently face. Our church member is praying diligently for the difficulties of the members.


Also, we look forward to providing more opportunities to help you online, and we ask for the continued support of our congregation.
If you would like to offer or donation to our church or help communities facing difficulties through covid-19, you can send it to the address below.

1. Visit our website for safe online donations at


2. Global Jesus Mission Church payee checks may be mailed to Po Box 3872 Beverly Hills, CA 90212.


Our church prays for the revival of the United States and the special care of God all believers and communities and prays for quick recovery through prayer in Christ.


Peace In Christ


Pastor Dr. Sarah Sun Liew 

Director of Ministries -ELDER 

Abraham Lee

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Head of Ministry Financial and Community Supporting Team /Treasure Member

Attorney Andrew Kim 

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Office Manager

Donna Mason

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